Thursday, November 5, 2009


*photos taken from layyen & zann cam's!

on the 05.11.2009!

heyhey, it's a long entry oh!~



Early in the morn'g 9o'clock, receive calls from christineORchristina, ask me to wakeup, haha!
but, 9plus then i wakeup lah huh, then went to prepare, and get out of house to meet them at Habourfront at bout 11am..
im not late, yipee! *claps*

after we meet, we went to the bigbig GIANT to buy our tibits and drinks!
after buying, head to SENTOSA!
bfore we made payment, saw the cute and funny pumpkins, haha!

cute, cute, cute? HAHA

take tram to palawan beach with human being's!
and we're suay! the tram reaches the place, and it starts to rain alrdy! suay indeed! ):
and was superduper sad that there's no SUN! ))))))))):
i can't get to tan that day lah! *cries*

so, we sat down, and we start to open up all the fooooods! hees! yummy!



 after eating, we start our activites, frisbee game!
and just now, it stop raining, HAHA!



after the game, rested and continue eating, hahaha!
and while we're playing, the birds will be coming to our place to peep at the foods, tsk! disturbing!
eateateat, talktalktalk, and after eating, sands covering session!
shengling is the first one! ;D
and ofcourse, i skip it lah, hahaha!

and so, im playing around with layyen cam's! HAHA, funfunfun!
i want a cam's! ):



christina and i lye onto shengling's sand body, haha!

you can't miss this part, i promise!
&&& look below!
there's a crowd!

continue to look at the photos to know what they're looking at! ;D


HAHAHA, it's shengling in the sand!
we were all laughing like mad hell lor!
the ppl get down the tram, and they RUN, and yes, RUN to the place where we're at!
and start looking, snapping alrdy! serious okays!
so funny!

then after the crowds has gone, by the count of dont know what, 10?
SL's have to be out of the sand! HAHA
did  she make it? hmmmmm..


yes, she chiong, and she did it! HAHA

and while they're playing the sand, i.......

arrange the slipper into shapes! HAHA!

okays, after shengling, it's layyen turns, she kena forfeit! HAHA


and her turn to be out of the sand by the count of, 10?
forget alrdy lah, haha!


after that, all went down to the water, except me, because i dont want play sea water, hohoho!
if not ltr i itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy, up and down my backy wacky! ;p




 and while they're playing the water, this is what i do.........

and very embarrassing that i actually forget how to write 'huanghongsheng' in chinese! ):
asked them then cassandra and christine tell me how to, thks muchie!

then, i was tired standing, haha, so i went back to our shelter and rest..

awhile later, they came up too, then we continue to play frisbee, haha!
then it's bout time for us to go bathe, but bfore we leave, photos! HAHA
even ask a tourist to help us take two last group photos, haha! thks tourist!


over there, there's also 'lifeguard' that will keep warning ppl's that there's lighting warning!
they're noisy! keep saying and saying!
but after all, that's their jobs lah huh, so, still thks them lo! =)




after all this photos snap-ing, bathe-ing time!~
the time we bathe hao is alrdy 4plus?
then we went to take tram back!~
while waiting for the tram, photo-session again, haha!


tram's come, and it starts to rain! big rain somemore lor!
awww, so sad lah, tram's have no shelter, rain drop just splash in!
all of us get wet again after bathe..
just look like as if we just finish bathing lor, no joke! HAHA

reached the main station of sentosa, back to Harbourfront! ;D
intend to watch movie, but in the end, it was postpone or somehow, so, we went up to daiso,
then deciding on what to eat..
 in the end, pasta mania!~
yum, yum, yum! ;D

after eating, train back to cck, then bus300 back home!~ :D
ltr on at night, meet mytwins to pass her things, meet-ed at 9plus, but home at 12am plus!
wow! HAHA, can't believe we talk for soooooo long! HAHA

back home, was superduper tired!

p.s one: thks sally for the frisbee, if not we wont have so much fun at sentosa. (;
p.s two: thks xiuhuan for the hotdogs / thks christine for the sotongball, crab meats, etc / thks christina for the fried rice / thks cassandra for the nuggets / thks the rest for the tibits/drinks! (;
p.s three: thks to the rain, there's no sun for me to get tan-ed!! T_T

gdnights, byebye!~

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